- 律师需要最近的案例,而商人需要最近的价格,因此相比提供娱乐或讨巧的产品,向他们提供连续性的关键内容可产生更好的交易。
- A lawyer needs the latest case precedent and a trader needs the most current prices , so providing this critical content to them on a continuous basis , the argument goes , creates inherently better businesses than providing content meant merely to amuse or divert .
- 他们和他聊天,想方设法逗他开心,希望他会忘记他那驾车狂热。
- They talked to him and tried to amuse him , hoping that he would forget his motor-car madness .
- 我的同事在如此显著的位置展示这封信,是为了用印度式英语冗赘的风格逗宾客一乐。
- In displaying this letter in such a prominent place , my colleague was seeking to amuse his visitors with its indian-english verbosity .
- 我们每个人梳理我们从他那里得到的一缕一缕的哲学。
- We each tease out our own strands of philosophy from what he has to say .
- 这篇文章会称这座城市lemberg来取笑这群人。
- To tease them , this diary will call the city lemberg .
- 在夏布洛尔电影里,有很多迹象是对中产阶级故作自尊的取笑。
- There was a tease in chabrol and many signs of bourgeois respectability .