- 将美国的透支额提高到14.3万亿美元本来应该是比较简单的。
- Increasing america 's overdraft beyond $ 14.3 trillion should have been relatively simple .
- 未能在数日内偿还透支款,将导致另一笔35美元的罚款。
- Failing to repay the overdraft within a few days results in an additional $ 35 penalty .
- 去年5月,高向西太平洋银行申请了一笔10万新西兰元的透支款。
- Last may , gao requested a nz $ 1 00000 overdraft from westpac bank .
- 更高的透支额可能会带来不断上升的利息费用。
- Higher overdrafts would incur an interest charge on a rising scale .
- 银行贷款,透支及其他借贷须於五年内悉数偿还。
- Bank loans and overdrafts wholly repayable within five years .
- 把微笑送给自己,就不要有太多的心情透支。
- To send their smiling , feeling not to have too many overdrafts .
- 在您的信中,您讲到我的帐户上透支了240美元,因此你们将收取我70美金的费用。
- In your letter , you state that my account is $ 240 overdrawn and that you will charge me $ 70 .
- 很多时候,我们觉得我们被透支,但事实上是我们没有足够的预存。
- Many times we feel we are overdrawn , but in reality , we maybe under-deposited .
- 透支的账户可能要求提供担保。
- Security may be required to back an overdrawn account .