- 合同也将更加透明。
- Contracts would become more transparent .
- 管理费必须清楚和透明。
- Fees must be clear and transparent .
- 你要把它看为一个透明的存在,其他人也是如此。
- You 'll see it as a transparent existence , and so will everyone else .
- 大多数面部护理都是从彻底清洁皮肤开始的。
- Most facials start with thorough cleansing .
- 他们对这个机会进行评估的方法比我的方法更透彻。
- Their approach to evaluating the opportunity was a little more thorough than mine .
- 当然,与孩子透彻地、毫无偏见地讨论政治问题并不能保证他总是会赞同你的观点。
- Of course , having thorough and even-handed discussions with your child about politics doesn 't guarantee he 'll always agree with you .
- 我的右眼完全地稳定了。
- My right eye is completely stable .
- 想要完全地诚实是很困难的。
- It 's hard to be completely honest .
- 我们能否让他们完全地做他们自己呢?
- Can we allow them completely to be as they are ?
- 我如何充分利用这段经历呢?
- How do I fully exploit the experience ?
- 迄今的经验充分证明这种怀疑是合理的。
- Experience hitherto fully justifies that scepticism .
- 但同时人们也没能充分理解这一问题。
- But neither is it fully appreciated .