- 嘿,茱莉,帮我送一箱红酒给赖利凯西
- Hey , julie , can we send a case of chianti over to larry cash ?
- 如果发生灾难性或被称为“树冠火”的火灾(一种影响着禁区内大部分区域的高强度火灾),放射性核素会散布到广大的区域,一场大火能将放射性物质散播到远至英国。
- If there is a catastrophic or " crown " fire ( a high-intensity wildfire affecting a large part of the cez ) radionuclides could be dispersed over a wide area ; a big fire could send radioactivity as far as britain .
- 以色列仍然对少数满手血腥的哈马斯恐怖主义分子顾虑有加,并想要把一部分西岸居民遣送到加沙,然后驱逐另一些。
- Israel is still balking over a handful of hamas terrorists with a lot of blood on their hands , and wants to send some west bankers to gaza and deport others .
- 新加坡现在正致力于把创造能力的培养引进教育中来。
- Singapore is now looking at ways to introduce creativity into the education system .
- 此外,可能还要在全国范围内引进财产税制度。
- Another may be to introduce nationally a system of property taxation .
- 苹果和谷歌也希望尽快推出自己的云存储服务。
- Apple and google hope to introduce their own cloud-storage services soon .