- 为你的语言选择一个理由。
- Select your language for a reason .
- 点进你最喜欢的购物网站然后让你的孩子帮忙挑选礼物吧。
- Log onto your favorite shopping sites and let your child help you select presents .
- 下面有几个步骤可以帮助你为你的孩子挑选最好的教育方式。
- Here now are some steps on how to select the best education method for kids .
- 这种痛苦的抉择很大程度上是不切实际的。
- That cruel choice is largely illusory .
- 爱是一个抉择,是一种奉献。
- Love is a choice and a commitment .
- 乍一看似乎选民将面临着艰难的抉择。
- At first glance voters seem to face a hard choice .
- 我们之中你选了serena?
- Did you choose serena over me ?
- 士兵们可以在多种饭菜中挑选。
- Soldiers can choose among several dishes .
- 今天就选一款经常用吧。
- Choose one for your regular usage today .
- 我们还没找到可以替代的同类。
- We were researching to find alternative possibilities .
- 可替代的是通过一致的协商做出决策。
- The alternative is to take decisions by consensus .
- 但是那似乎比供替代的选择更不可能。
- But that seems less likely than the alternative .