- 他们从卡车上卸货时很不小心。
- They aren 't very careful unloading the truck .
- 佐治亚理工学院的研究人员使用热成像摄像机记录了形状记忆合金在遇到加载和卸载时的表面温度变化(顶部)。
- Georgia tech researchers used a thermal camera to record the variation in surface temperature ( top ) of a shape-memory alloy experiencing loading and unloading .
- 典型的好处包括能缩短排队等候时间,降低集装箱卸货价格,延长港口开放时间以及增加设备使用率。
- Typical benefits include shorter queuing times , cheaper container unloading , longer opening hours and higher capacity utilisation .
- 德蒙尼基斯家上诉到高等法院且败诉。
- The de menezes family appealed to the high court and lost .
- 今天,对主要出版商而言,它的必备功课是出版精装书和平装书。
- Today it 's de rigueur for major publishers to print both hardcover and paperback books .
- 法律上,我们也在货币方面做了更多工作。
- And de jure , we have done more on the monetary side .
- 这并不意味着孤立或退却。
- That need not mean isolationism or retreat .
- 在寻找伟大思想的战役中,没有退却可言。
- There can be no retreat in the battle for big ideas .
- 但是最近,撤退演变为了溃逃。
- But lately retreat has turned to rout .