- 退火生产线入口活套张力控制系统的设计。
- Entry looper tension control system of continuous annealing processing line .
- 中短波hgcdte金属接触的退火研究。
- Thermal annealing of hgcdte and metal contact .
- 结合禁忌演算法与模拟退火演算法推求三维空间地下水污染源。
- Combining tabu search and simulated annealing for identifying three-dimensional groundwater contaminant source .
- 不锈钢丝拉拔、退火生产线。
- Stainless steel drawing and anneal wire production line .
- 三个过程:它们是淬火、回火和退火。
- Three : they are hardening , temper and anneal .
- 双相纳米晶永磁材料;晶化;制备工艺;;剩磁。
- Dual-phase nanocrystalline composite magnets ; anneal ; preparation technology ; remanence .
- 每个人都转过去背对着我。
- Everyone turned their back on me .
- 然后我们走了回去。
- And then we walked back .
- 她把手缩回去,笑了笑。
- She pulls back and smiles .
- 我们人也要锻炼。
- We human beings need tempering too .
- 回火将是必要的。
- Tempering will then be necessary .
- 然而,还存在其他一些盈利风险,是所有行业都面对的,这令人们的预期大打折扣。
- But there are other risks to earnings across all sectors , which are tempering expectations .
- 萨氏把蒙古哲学推进到佛教化哲学阶段,由此决定了他在蒙古哲学史上占有重要的地位。
- That sa gang che chen carried mongolian philosophy to the stage of buddhistic philosophy has decided on his important position in the history of mongolian philosophy .
- 你说你在哪工作来着?
- Where 'd you sa u we working again ?
- 党员同志们,就像我那时是一个冲锋队员。
- And party comrades , just as I was an sa man then .