- 如果速度够快的话,所有这些都有助于迷惑你的对手。
- It all helps if done at speed to bewilder your adversaries .
- 令人惊讶的是这些想法没有迷惑或吓唬她。
- Suprisingly these thoughts did not bewilder or scare her .
- 那些犹豫不定的态度令我为难.
- Those shifting attitudes bewilder me .
- 她走了以后,我好几周茫然不知所措。
- I went around in a daze for weeks after she left .
- 她总爱发愣,也不知在想什么呢。
- I wonder why she often appears in a daze .
- 我在晕眩中蹒跚迷惑。
- I 'm in a daze stumbling bewildered .
- 这个社会心理的处理过程由怀疑、困惑、难以集中精力、用拒绝来作为保护自己的措施等感受作为开始。
- This process of biopsychosocial coping starts with feelings of disbelief , bewilderment , difficulty in focusing , using denial as the main defense .
- 当我们面临生活的困惑时,何不想想那些别人不愿做的事?
- When we encounter bewilderment in life , why not think of some people doing something they do not like at all ?
- 如果此言属实,难怪富尔德上周在国会委员会听证会上表现出一种痛苦的困惑。
- No wonder , if that statement was true , that mr fuld displayed such an air of pained bewilderment at his congressional committee hearing last week .