- 他们特别研究了一种称为叠加态的量子现象,其中某个粒子同时处于两个量子态。
- In particular they explored a quantum phenomenon called superposition , where a particle can be in two states at once .
- 自欧文薛定谔关于猫在叠加态中能处于既死又活状态的假想实验以来,物理学家们一直对宏观物体能否遵循量子论持怀疑态度。
- Physicists have questioned whether large objects can follow quantum laws ever since erwin schrdinger 's thought-experiment suggested a cat could exist in a superposition of being both alive and dead .
- 回答很简单:在迭加问题中,非独立源永远不要去掉。
- The answer is very simple : never suppress a dependent source in a superposition problem .