- 第二个星期:步行3分钟后慢跑30到60秒,此循环交替进行20到25分钟。
- Week 2 : alternate walking 3 minutes with running 30 to 60 seconds for a total of 20 to 25 minutes .
- 这些蜘蛛能够轮流地使用两颗毒牙中的一颗吐出这致命的网丝。
- The spiders can alternate ejecting this deadly net from each of their two fangs .
- 我知道,所以我都轮流穿我的皮夹克\皮裤和皮裙。
- I know , that 's why I alternate wearing my leather jacket.leather pants and leather skirt .
- 这种情况是否即将转变?
- Is this about to change ?
- 这是个巨大的转变。
- That is a big change .
- 考虑过换个职业吗?
- Thinking about a career change ?