- 但短期来看,这个行业的前景难以预料,因为它依靠的是最善变的政治家。
- In the short term , though , the prospects of a business so dependent on the whims of politicians are bound to be uncertain .
- 依据偶然性原则,该事件必须是不确定的。
- Subject to the " fortuity principle " , the event must be uncertain .
- 交易员奇怪地拥有与自给农民类似的心态与季节性节奏:他们明白,自己生活在一个不确定的世界中,每年的金融“收成”都有可能被反常的天气(无论是市场崩盘还是可恶的老板)抹掉。
- Traders operate with a mentality and seasonal rhythm that is oddly similar to subsistence farmers : they know that they live in an uncertain world , with a perennial risk that the annual financial " harvest " will be wiped out by a freak weather pattern be that a market crash or a hateful boss .