- 首先,环保斗士普京与生物学家们一起横穿北太平洋追踪一条灰鲸,持劲弩射鱼叉取皮样。
- First putin the conservation warrior joined naturalists chasing a gray whale across the north pacific , and fired a skin-sampling harpoon into it with a crossbow .
- 基因学家凯文.格勒佛最近的鲸鱼基因分析结果却让他大跌眼镜:一头2007年在西北大西洋捕获的鲸鱼竟然是混血!而且它的母亲是一头南极小须鲸!
- Geneticist kevin glover was recently analyzing whale dna when he came across a surprise-a whale hunted in the northeastern atlantic in 2007 had the genetic blueprint of a hybrid , with an antarctic minke mother .