- 它同时也能提供收入。
- They also supply an income .
- 夏威夷新增了3个所得税级。
- Hawaii created three new income tax brackets .
- 低收入人群的所得税被下调。
- Income tax for low earners has been reduced .
- 这主要归功于良好的税收收入。
- That is mostly down to perky tax receipts .
- 研究结果显示,我们应该谨慎处理收银台收据,zalko说。
- The findings suggest that till receipts should be handled with caution , says zalko .
- 这个项服务被称为clickatell短信收据,它可以通过短信提醒消费者银行账号的活动情况。
- The service called clickatell sms receipts notifies banking customers of account activity via sms alerts .
- 毫无疑问,sarrazin先生想使收益最大化。
- Naturally , mr sarrazin wants to maximise the proceeds .
- 而且由此带来的许多收入都落入了官员的腰包里。
- And many of the proceeds end up in the pockets of officials .
- 现在的提法是它将把到期证券的收入再投资于长期政府债券。
- It now says that it will reinvest the proceeds from maturing securities in long-term government bonds .
- 他拿着快件,立即离开了饭店。
- He left immediately taking the express .
- 我们将在下个月接受报价。
- We 'll be taking quotations next month .
- 这意味着要拿下公共投标以及其利润率一开始会受到一些打击。
- That means winning open tenders and taking an initial hit to margins .