- 青龙峡有连绵的群山、水库和可以追溯到明朝的长城,秀丽的景色引来了众多城市居民。
- Qinglong gorge , with its range of mountains , reservoirs and great wall relics dating back to the ming dynasty , attracts city dwellers eager for a change of scenery .
- 华尔街的目光紧紧盯着银行,奥巴马则把注意力转向了住房市场,他公布了一项2750亿美元的计划,要帮助9百万家庭重新贷款,以避免丧失抵押赎回权。
- With wall street 's gaze glued to the banks , mr. obama shifted his attention back to the housing crisis and unfurled a $ 275 billion plan to help as many as nine million families refinance their mortgages or avoid foreclosure .
- 在巢湖附近布满车辙的乡村道路旁,一座小型砖场烟囱旁边的墙上刷着“人人关注环保,创建美丽家园”的标语,挤在一个摩托车广告和一个化肥广告之间。
- In the rutted back-roads around chaohu , on the wall next to the smokestack of a small brick factory , the slogan " everybody pay close attention to environmental protection and we will all have a beautiful home " is squeezed between an advertisement for motor cycles and one for chemical fertiliser .