- 绝对残忍的现代设计:全世界杀伤力最大的匕首。
- Absolute ruthless modern times design : maximal the whole world antipersonnel force dagger .
- 中华文化在近代从来面临着民族性与时代性的张力,走过了一个颇为坎坷的的发展历程。
- The chinese culture has been laced with the tension of the nationality and times at modern times at all limes , she went through one rather rough and bumpy developmental course .
- 在西欧由中古向近代过渡阶段,中世纪出世的、超自然主义的、非理性主义的基督教神权观念始逐渐让位于新兴市民阶级入世的、自然主义的、理性主义的价值情感追求。
- During the transitional period from the medieval times to modern times in west europe , the supernaturalistic and irrationalistic christian concept of theocracy of the middle ages gradually gave way to emotional pursuit of secular , naturalistic and rationalistic values .