- 然而暴动本身并不令人惊讶,只是偶尔诧异于它的速度及血腥程度。
- Yet the uprising itself did not come as a surprise , only perhaps its speed and its bloodiness .
- 12月,gizmodo进行了它的“海岸到海岸终极3g数据测试”,在全美8个城市比较了verizonwireless、at&t及sprint的移动宽带性能,然后公布了结果,一个令人惊讶的赢家浮出水面:sprint。
- In december , gizmodo did its " definitive coast-to-coast 3g data test " in which it compared the mobile broadband performance of verizon wireless , at & t , and sprint in eight cities across the u.s. and then published the results , which came up with a surprise winner : sprint .
- 《cosmopolitan》在9月号杂志的封面上打上了一组二维码,吸引消费者每天扫描一下这个二维码,以获得惊喜交易。
- Cosmopolitan put a digital qr code on its september cover , luring consumers to scan the code each day for a surprise deal .