- 跨越这一边界进行重要活动几乎是不可能的。
- Significant movement across this border is almost impossible .
- 他的动作吓了她一跳。
- His movement startles her and she jumps .
- 茶会运动做到了这一点。
- The tea-party movement did that .
- 他们的锻炼是零星而温和的。
- Exercise was sporadic and mild .
- 她会经常选择行使这一选择权也就不足为奇了。
- Small wonder she often chooses to exercise that option .
- 结果就是,期权的行使价非常低。
- The result was attractively low exercise prices for options .
- 职业化体育运动值那么多钱吗?
- Are pro sports worth the cost ?
- 我们涉足的第一个领域就是体育运动。
- Sports was the first category we tackled .
- 大多数民族运动遭受过丑闻。
- Most national sports suffer scandals .
- 更先进的学习方式还是营销活动?
- Higher learning or marketing campaign ?
- 参加一个正在进行的链接建设活动。
- Engage in an ongoing link building campaign .
- 这场运动持续了6周。
- The campaign lasted six weeks .