- 不过,如果说奥巴马总统的政府对伊朗选举结果反应谨慎,并抱有等着看的态度,共和党远却远没有那么谨慎。
- But if the obama administration is reacting with caution and a wait-and-see approach to iran 's election results , some republicans are far less circumspect .
- 鲍尔默说:“我们必须等待知道我们事实上获得许可及完成与雅虎的合作。”
- " We will have to wait and see until we actually are able to get approval and consummate our partnership with yahoo , " said ballmer .
- 当爱尔兰选民否决了在欧洲的怀疑者看来是试图通过幕后交易(不正当途径?)强行推行旧宪法草案的《里斯本条约》后,欧盟陷入慌乱之中。
- When no means wait and see the european union was thrown into a tizzy when irish voters rejected the lisbon treaty , which eurosceptics see as an effort to impose the old draft constitution by the back door .