- 她们可能会手挽着手散步,或紧靠着坐在一起,甚至帮彼此梳头发和绑辫子。
- They may stroll arm in arm or sit close on the touch , or even brush or braid each other 's hair .
- 然后公主解开了长长的辫子,拔下一根头发亲手交给小铁匠,表示祝福好运。
- Then , for luck , the princess unwound her long braid , pulled out a single hair and handed it to the littlest knight .
- 学校主管让他必须把头发扎成长辫子,时刻塞在衬衫里。
- Administrators told him he would have to wear his hair in one long braid , tucked into the back of his shirt at all times .
- 啊,一条彗尾是多么短啊,一条老鼠尾巴,一根辫子!
- Oh how brief - a mouse tail , a pigtail - is the tail of a comet !
- 我不认为马上就会有人为了聘用我的朋友而排成长队。
- I don 't expect a queue to form for my friend shortly .
- 在一月的促销季里,一些顾客排整夜的队去购买各式商品。
- Some shoppers queue all night to buy goods in the january sales .
- 戴着明亮头巾的妇女们排队购买成袋的干薰衣草。
- Women in bright headscarves queue for bags of dried lavender .