- 也许我需要休息一会。
- Maybe I needed a break .
- 临床医学家建议他稍事休息。
- A therapist suggested a break .
- 每半个小时休息一次!
- Take a break every half an hour !
- 他们试着用武力击退袭击者,而不是花钱买平安。
- Instead of payments it tried to fight off attackers .
- 让他们击退任何地面攻击者就把注意力转向了virophage。
- Let them fight off any ground attackers then turn their attention to the virophage .
- 他们棱角分明的脸庞和结识的身体,证明他们体内有更多的抗体来抵抗疾病。
- Their chiselled faces and toned bodies are a sign that they have more antibodies to fight off diseases .
- 用锋利的刀来防止损伤。
- Use a sharp knife to avoid damage .
- 请尽量避免这样做。
- Try to avoid doing this .
- 他表示,我们不应该试图防止1929年再现。
- He said we should not try to avoid 1929 .
- 君主或新首相交谈过欢了吗?
- Was either sovereign or new pm banging on a bit ?
- 从封建时代起,臣民们就希望向君主请愿能起到非常好的效果。
- Since feudal days , subjects have hoped that petitioning the sovereign can have great effects .
- 罗格的身份是新近的皇家维多利亚勋章得主,而这一勋章完全由君主颁发。
- Such was logue 's status that he had just heen made a member of the royal victorian order , an appointment entirely in the gift of the sovereign .
- 不过利比亚的统治者还有其他的选择。
- But the libyan ruler has other options .
- 新的统治者会保持这个称呼吗?
- Will the new ruler keep the name ?
- 从来没有其他的阿拉伯统治者主动请求公开政府的审查细节。
- No other arab ruler has voluntarily invited such public scrutiny of his government .
- 全球经济衰退中所增加的开支现在迫使各国做出这一从政治角度看几乎不可能的决定:在经济困难时期大幅度削减开支,增加税收。
- The added costs of the global recession have now forced them to do the politically unthinkable : chop social spending and raise taxes in trying economic times .
- 根据计划,这个项目要培训低收入者学会砍木头,然后把木头分发给其他穷人做燃料。
- It was designed to train low-income people to chop wood and distribute it to other poor people to burn in their stoves .
- 今年4月,沃达丰表示:到2020年它将削减一半的二氧化碳排放量;公司将主要通过提高其全球移动电话网络的能源效率来完成此目标。
- Vodafone in april said it would chop its carbon dioxide emissions in half by 2020 ; the company plans to do so largely by improving the energy efficiency of its global mobile-phone networks .
- 在哈佛,奥巴马成了哈佛法学评论的第一位黑人主编。
- At harvard , obama became the first black president of the harvard law review .
- 制定一个新选举法。
- 2 Get a new electoral law .
- 专利法的一个新的里程碑?
- A new landmark for patent law ?