- 那就是辞去非执行董事职务。
- It is to resign from the board .
- 在此,我辞去苹果首席执行官一职。
- I hereby resign as ceo of apple .
- 示威者们叫嚣着要求巴沙尔阿萨德总统辞职。
- Demonstrators called for president bashar al-assad to resign .
- 他于6月份辞去内阁职位。
- He resigned from the cabinet in june .
- 另一名董事最近刚刚辞职。
- A fourth director recently resigned .
- 在那之后不久,他辞去了imf总裁一职。
- He resigned his imf post shortly afterward .
- 他对美、英、法、德四国要求其下台的联合呼吁嗤之以鼻,底气不足地将其称为“西方殖民主义”的明证。
- He shrugged off co-ordinated calls by america britain france and germany for him to step aside feebly saying they were evidence of western colonialism .
- 克林顿夫人所谓的“两位数”的胜利(最终数据显示为9.2%)在她持续受到民主党当权派的打击(这些当权派要求她退出)以及民主党的竞选资金筹集对她关上了现金阀门之后给了她一个巨大的推动。
- What mrs clinton called her double digit victory ( the final figure turned out to be 9.2 % ) gave her a huge boost after her relentless drubbing from members of the democratic establishment who have been urging her to step aside and demo
- 再比如指定一个独立委员会,由它来裁决某位法官是否应该回避。
- An independent commission for instance could decide whether a judge should step aside .