- 因此美国人尤其要警惕这些迹象,即这个国家正变得失去活力和勤奋劲。
- So americans should be especially alert to signs that the country is becoming less vital and industrious .
- 管理者会认为无论他们的工作质量怎么样,那些在办公室里面工作的员工更加勤奋可靠。
- Managers rated those at the office to be more dependable and industrious , regardless of the quality of their work .
- 战争、瘟疫和饥荒拜访了我们,然而,我们没有停止勤奋刻苦地创造沙漠。
- Wars , plagues and famines visited us , but we did not stop in our industrious creation of deserts .
- 他们都是家庭生活的基石,都是抚养孩子的勤劳的母亲,而孩子的父亲们在在外游手好闲。
- They 're the bedrock of family life , hardworking moms who feed and raise kids while their fathers are out roaming .
- 实际上,有四分之一的百万富翁,他们所支付的税率要比数百万辛勤工作的中产阶级家庭还低。
- In fact , one in four millionaires pays a lower tax rate than millions of hardworking middle-class households .
- 就在不久之前,他们的国家还被看做那些令人畏惧的新兴市场之一,他们不知疲倦地辛勤工作。
- Not so long ago their country was seen as one of those tirelessly hardworking emerging markets to be feared .