- 疯狂的内裤,总是一成不变。
- Crazy underwear always in a rut .
- 我要破坏你的成规。
- I 'm going to bust your rut .
- 处于发情期的麋鹿集聚在一起,偶尔可以在盆地中辨认出来。
- In fall , the bull elk are in full rut and occasionally can be spotted in the basin as they gather their harems .
- 这个理念仍在探索中。
- The idea is still developing .
- 直接性的理念就是生命。
- The immediate idea is life .
- 不是每个人都喜欢这个点子。
- Not everyone welcomes the idea .
- 最流行的记录去年的形式之一就是写日记,通常是以韵文的方式。
- One of the most popular formats for chronicling the past year are youmiyat ( diaries ) , often written in rhyme .
- 手术后前三个月,他只能说些押韵的词,在那之后,他的脑子里无休止地出现图像“幻灯片”。
- For the first three months after his surgery he was only able to speak in weird rhyme and after that passed he experienced a never-ending " slideshow " of images in his brain .
- 说一个押韵的词他们都是非常好
- Say a rhyme they are all very good
- 古罗马大学者西塞罗和希腊诗人品达都提到过命运之轮。
- Roman scholar cicero and the greek poet pindar both reference the wheel of fortune .
- 你就如同一个被放在轮子里的仓鼠一样。
- You 'll end up like a hamster on a never-ending wheel .
- 陀螺就是一个可以自由旋转的转动着的轮子。
- A gyroscope is just a spinning wheel that is free to rotate .