- 我当时是他的副手。
- I was then his no.2 .
- 当时整个剧场近乎疯狂。
- Then the theatre went wild .
- 接着是他的病情报告。
- Then came the medical bulletin .
- 所以要经常使用烤箱温度计。
- Always use an oven thermometer .
- 要始终保持愉快的微笑。
- Always have a cheerful smile .
- 家家总是一起庆祝感恩节。
- Families always celebrate thanksgiving together .
- 人们常常收礼时打开礼物。
- Gifts are usually opened when received .
- 市场的兴奋情绪常常表达错了地方。
- The excitement is usually misplaced .
- 骤然上调利率往往是有害的。
- A sudden jump is usually bad .
- 卡曼常常收到死亡威胁。
- Karman often receives death threats .
- 他们通常都没有工资。
- They are often not paid .
- 这种争论往往很激烈。
- The debate is often bitter .