- 你的汽车够聪明吗?
- How smart is your car ?
- 我的汽车修好了吗?
- Is my car ready yet ?
- 轿车和卡车的销售市场已经崩溃了。
- Car and truck sales have collapsed .
- 酒吧叫141号沙龙,是用途径纳丘利塔的州道命名的。
- It 's called the 141 saloon named for the state highway that passes through naturita .
- 在美国蒙大拿州,海伦娜一则法令规定,女人必须穿至少3磅两盎司重的衣服,否则不得在酒吧或酒廊的桌上跳舞。
- Another law in helena , montana , mandates that a woman can 't dance on a table in a saloon or bar unless she has on at least three pounds , two ounces of clothing .
- 这部复杂的戏剧,灌输了基督教的象征,以酷似“最后的晚餐”的场景开头,故事荒诞地发生在一个低档的小酒吧中。
- This complex drama imbued with christian symbolism opens with a scene reminiscent of the last supper absurdly taking place in a downmarket saloon .
- 我是把我们谈过的那辆小轿车给你送来的。
- I was bringing you that coupe we 've been talking about .
- 那些拥有足以证明其采伐和罚款处理良性本质.
- Those who have owned a coupe will attest to its fine handling and benign nature .
- 马自达即使假定有些顾客宁愿看车四门体育采伐.
- Mazda even supposed that some customers would prefer to look at the car as a four-door sports coupe .