- 现在生活安定了,她想跳舞,她想玩,她想放荡,她想大吃大喝,她想穿绸缎,她想睡在柔软的羽毛床上,或坐在舒适的沙发上,这一切她都做到了。
- Now secure , she wanted to dance , to play , to riot , to gorge on foods and fine wine , to deck herself in silks and satins , to wallow on soft feather beds and fine upholstery . And she did all these things .
- 现在生活安定了,她想跳舞,她想玩,她想放荡,她想大吃大喝,她想穿绸缎,她想睡在柔软的羽毛床上,或坐在舒适的沙发上,这一切她都做到了。
- Now secure , she wanted to dance , to play , to riot , to gorge on foods and fine wine , to deck herself in silks and satins , to wallow on soft feather beds and fine upholstery . And she did all these things .