- 市场经济这一看不见的手正在让位于国家资本主义这只看得见的手,这常常是独裁主义的信号。
- The invisible hand of the market is giving way to the visible , and often authoritarian , hand of state capitalism .
- 但有越来越多的迹象表明,这座最后的堡垒可能也将倒塌。
- But there are growing signs that this last bastion may be giving way .
- 当城市规模发展到一定程度之后,城市建设将会由外延式拓展逐渐让位于内涵式的更新、改造和保护。
- When the scale of the city develops into a certain level , urban development will be expanded gradually giving way denotative connotative update , reform and protection .