- 例如,通过wink,你能和别人交朋友,并通过订阅源(feed)追踪他们的活动,其操作和facebook的“wall”或plaxo的pulse很相似。
- For example , via wink you can befriend people and follow their activities in a feed that operates much like the facebook " wall " and plaxo 's pulse .
- 甚至一些人提出了阴谋论,当局为了阻止债市在消费者价格上升后出现他们不愿看到的结果,他们不会解决通缩。
- Some even suggest , with a conspiratorial wink , that one reason the authorities have done so little to tackle deflation is that they fear the consequences in the bond market if consumer prices were to accelerate .
- 承载欧洲,俄罗斯和近东的大板块发生运动的即时效应在印度感觉更加明显,因为喜马拉雅山在这里驶向印度上方,在瞬息之间淹没这个国家。
- The immediate effect of the massive plate housing europe , russia and the near east to move is felt most strongly in india , as the himalayas are driven over india at this point , effectively submerging this country in a wink .