- 向左上角滚动会显示更多的可选择的语言。
- Rolling over the top right corner reveals more options for languages .
- 轮胎设计者因此力求减少滚动阻力以提高能源利用的经济性。
- Tyre designers have therefore sought to improve fuel economy by reducing rolling resistance .
- 这个构造的优美之处在于这种安全保证是以六个月为期限滚动出售的。
- The beauty of the structure is that the insurance is sold only on a rolling six-month basis .
- 避免用做家务当作一种惩罚。
- Avoid using chores as a punishment .
- 舌头像鸟儿一样自由。
- Our tongues free as birds .
- 部级机关如政党封地一般运作。
- Ministries are run as party fiefs .