- 人们在车里怒吼、吊嗓、乱叫、发怒,高兴得前俯后仰;欢乐在咆哮,讽刺喷出火焰,轻松愉快象帝王一样统治着。两个干瘪的女人演着一台剧情发展已到顶点的滑稽戏,这是欢笑的胜利车。
- Uproar reigns in front , tumult behind . People vociferate , shout , howl , there they break forth and writhe with enjoyment ; gayety roars ; sarcasm flames forth , joviality is flaunted like a red flag ; two jades there drag farce blossomed forth into an apotheosis ; it is the triumphal car of laughter .
- 人们在车里怒吼、吊嗓、乱叫、发怒,高兴得前俯后仰;欢乐在咆哮,讽刺喷出火焰,轻松愉快象帝王一样统治着。两个干瘪的女人演着一台剧情发展已到顶点的滑稽戏,这是欢笑的胜利车。
- Uproar reigns in front , tumult behind . People vociferate , shout , howl , there they break forth and writhe with enjoyment ; gayety roars ; sarcasm flames forth , joviality is flaunted like a red flag ; two jades there drag farce blossomed forth into an apotheosis ; it is the triumphal car of laughter .
- 人们在车里怒吼、吊嗓、乱叫、发怒,高兴得前俯后仰;欢乐在咆哮,讽刺喷出火焰,轻松愉快象帝王一样统治着。两个干瘪的女人演着一台剧情发展已到顶点的滑稽戏,这是欢笑的胜利车。
- Uproar reigns in front , tumult behind . People vociferate , shout , howl , there they break forth and writhe with enjoyment ; gayety roars ; sarcasm flames forth , joviality is flaunted like a red flag ; two jades there drag farce blossomed forth into an apotheosis ; it is the triumphal car of laughter .