- 作为无人驾驶汽车的传奇人物,ernstdickmanns表示,车内配备了两个摄像头,并用模拟计算机技术进行信号处理。
- As autonomous car legend ernst dickmanns tells it , the car was equipped with two cameras that used analog computer technology for signal processing .
- 印度两大汽车零部件供应商巴拉特铸造公司(bharatforge)和kpitcummins已经开发出一项技术,能够在短短两小时内将一辆燃油动力汽车改造为一辆混合动力汽车。
- Two of india 's largest car parts suppliers , bharat forge and kpit cummins , have developed technology to transform a petrol - engined car into a hybrid one in just two hours .
- 成功实现自动驾驶汽车技术的合法化对谷歌公司来说具有更广泛的意义。
- Success at legalizing self-driving car technology has broader implications for google .