- 整个晚上要被铐在turner的座子上的想法丝毫没有吸引到他。
- The thought of spending the night handcuffed to turner 's desk didn 't appeal to him .
- 我对特纳勋爵提出尖锐问题的意愿表示欢迎。
- I love lord turner 's willingness to raise difficult questions .
- 在维吉尼亚理工学院,maxineturner是一女学生联谊会的发起人之一,还曾赢得了跆拳道的红腰带。
- At virginia tech , maxine turner co-founded a sorority and earned a red belt in tae kwon do .
- 当时,我在一个小型制造车间打工,任务是从早到晚地翻转车床上的金属杆。
- The job was in a small engineering workshop . My task was to turn metal rods on a lathe all day .
- 他似乎是个旋工。
- He seem a lathe turner .
- 两个截然不同的俏皮车模。
- Entirely different two wittiness lathe a model .