- 好不轻易3年过去了,女生一直在等男生,却一直等不到,她伤心过度,绝望的她把钻戒扔入大海,远走他乡.
- Good went 3 years not easily , the schoolgirl is waiting for a schoolboy all the time , do not wait all the time however , she is sad and excessive , she acedia get buddhist monastic discipline to throw the sea , far take a place far away form home .
- 罗汉图,在向我们这个娑婆世界的众生展现西方极乐世界的美好。
- Wall-painting of arhat in the pure land to show us their happily life in that far far away world .
- 这座宫殿在很远的地方,远在天边,迎着东升的太阳,它遥不可及,恍如隔世。
- This palace was far , far away toward the rising sun , immeasurably remote , astronomically .