- 鲁莽的民族主义者萨卡什维利最近玷污了他自己的民主声望。
- Mr saakashvili is an impetuous nationalist who has lately tarnished his democratic credentials .
- 另一方面,如果以色列不顾奥巴马争取时间的请求鲁莽的发动了进攻,那该怎么办呢?
- On the other hand , what if israel does launch an impetuous attack , in defiance of mr obama 's plea for time ?
- 相对的鲁莽的道德标准,冷静、抚慰的实用主义确是受到了认可,但同时也带来了风险:美国右派批评家们对奥巴马对国王和天皇鞠躬吹毛求疵。
- Calm and conciliatory pragmatism is welcome after george bush 's impetuous moral certitude , but it also carries risks . Critics on the american right are wrong to carp at mr obama 's bowing to kings and emperors .
- 儿童和大中学生仍然骚动不安。
- The schoolchildren and students remain restless .
- 法国人民心怀恐惧与不安,他们希望看到不同。
- The french are fearful and restless and want something different .
- 焦躁不安的年轻精英分子是不希望接管政府的。
- There is no restless young elite that wants to take over the government .
- 几乎得天花的所有人都会有明显的疹子。
- Almost everyone who got smallpox developed a distinct rash .
- 一旦有长出不明疹子的迹象时就着手治疗。
- Get treatment at the first sign of unexplained rash .
- 若你的孩子出现颈项强直或发烧起疹子,你就要去找医生帮忙。
- Call your doctor for advice if your child has neck stiffness or a rash with a fever .
- 德国人对英国狂热的凯恩斯主义提出了批评。
- Germans have criticised manic keynesianism in the uk .
- 第一次有人可以在露营的篝火边回忆起这些往事,兴致勃勃地回想起小精灵和狂热的镜子的故事,记起游戏业还是所有产业都争相杀入市场的时候的事情,还有其他类似的各种故事。
- For the first time we have got people who can recollect that and fondly recall stories of pac man and manic minor around the camp fire and remember when the games industry was all fields and all that sort of thing .