- 穷的单身人士真可怜。
- Pity the poor single people .
- 可怜的罗伯特觉得很厌烦。
- Poor robert got very bored .
- 可怜的安妮只能一动不动。
- Poor anne could not move .
- 还有人指责基础设施粗劣,还抨击政府贪污受贿。
- Others charged shoddy construction and slammed the government for corruption .
- 虽然巴西确实工业化了,但是按照老旧技术大量生产的许多商品,既昂贵又劣质。
- Though brazil did industrialise , it churned out mainly expensive , shoddy goods based on obsolete technology .
- 堵是常事,取暖管道可能是劣质的,管道经常被安置在离地板很近的地方。
- Blockages are common , plumbing work can be shoddy , and pipes often are placed too close to floorboards .
- mrshafiq的竞选已经不能胜任了。
- Mr shafiq 's campaign has been incompetent .
- 但是执政党有时如此糊涂和不能胜任,他们需要被处罚。
- But sometimes ruling parties become so addled and incompetent they need to be punished .
- 但是他在上任之初也承认自觉“不能胜任”。
- Yet he admitted early in his term that he felt " incompetent " .
- 他的劣质基因意味着他所能期望的最佳工作就是去当一名清洁工,而不是去实现自己的雄心,成为一名宇航员。
- His inferior genes meant that the best job he could hope to get was as a cleaner , rather than realising his ambition of becoming an astronaut .
- 一些设计师也不愿唤起消费者对仿制产品的注意,尽管那些产品在用料和工艺方面品质低劣,但看上去与原品非常相似,而且价格低得多。
- Some designers also are reluctant to call attention to copycat products that , though inferior in materials and workmanship , look remarkably similar and are priced much lower .
- 造假者在旧瓶中装入新的次等茅台酒以高价重新销售。
- Counterfeiters refill the old bottles with new , inferior moutai for resale at exorbitant prices .