- 在海外我们制裁那些践踏人权的人。
- And we 've sanctioned those who trample on human rights abroad .
- 企业用这些财富去践踏使他们富有的教条。
- It uses this wealth to trample on the doctrine that enriched it .
- 反抗军士兵践踏着大院内卡扎菲雕像的头部。
- Rebel fighters trample on the head of a muammar gadhafi statue inside the main compound .
- 一只熊正在森林中追逐一只兔子,这时他们发现了一个瓶子并决定去摩擦它。
- Bear and a rabbit a bear is chasing a rabbit through a forest . They find a bottle and decide to rub it .
- 用白面包团轻轻擦拭墙壁表面,朝一个方向擦,避免出现条纹。
- Rub the bread gently over the surface , rub in one direction to prevent streaks .
- 就是把新鲜的大蒜和成熟的番茄酱擦在面包上,然后加少许橄榄油和盐。
- Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato , then drizzle with olive oil and salt .
- 阙儿子拉斯操作主机角色?
- Que son las operations master roles ?
- 他们的要求经历了一个生动的fla阙。
- Chapter 2 - their calling que experiences a vivid fla ......
- 魏文王问名医扁鹊:“你们家兄弟三人,都精于医术,到底哪一位最好呢?”
- Wei-wen wang asked famous doctor bian que : " you have three brothers at home , are skilled in medicine , in the end which one best ? "