- 然而正如我曾说过的,他没有轻易放弃,重又顽强地学习怎样系安全带、在电脑上费力打字、拖着一只脚独自行走以及去大学的游泳池做水中有氧运动。
- But as I 've said , he didn 't give up easily , and he doggedly learned again how to fasten his belt ; to peck out sentences on his computer ; to walk alone , one foot dragging , to the university pool for water aerobics .
- 英雄独行,但当他们使我们的生命变得高贵并触动我们的心灵时,他们就成了神话。
- Heroes walk alone but they become myths when they ennoble the lives and touch the hearts of all of us .
- 心存希望在生活的道路上走,你永远不会孤单。
- Walk on wiz hopes in ur heart and you 'll never walk alone .