- 另外,如果你需要放大挂墙地图的比例,你只需踮起脚尖离墙更近一些观看便可。
- Besides , if you need to zoom in on a wall map you can just tiptoe closer to the wall .
- 他们踮著脚上楼,生怕把孩子吵醒。
- They tiptoe upstairs so as not to wake the baby .
- 那几分钟踮著脚地走过,手指头放在唇上。
- The minutes went by on tiptoe , with their fingers to their lips .
- 踮起脚尖,我们就能离福祉更近一点儿吗?
- Stood on tiptoe we can more closer from happiness ?
- 他踮起脚尖想看看发生了什么事。
- He stands on tiptoe to see what 's happening .
- 所有的人都踮脚站着,希望能多看她一眼。
- All the crowd stood on tiptoe to have one more look at her .