- batebi先生9年前参加的抗议活动曾让伊朗的统治者大为恐慌。
- The protests mr batebi took part in nine years ago frightened iran 's rulers .
- 金融界人士感到恐慌,政界及外交人士则正经历一段相对平静的时期。
- While the financiers are frightened , the politicians and diplomats are going through a relatively calm period .
- 这儿的人们因未知的情形而恐慌,同时也为正看到的情形而震惊。
- People here are frightened by what they can 't see and shocked by what they are seeing .
- 当逼迫人们谈论的时候,得到的普遍回应顶多则是无奈地耸耸肩而已。
- When pressed , a typical response is no more than a resigned shrug of the shoulders .
- 有些高管认为德鲁获得了特殊待遇,他们对此表示不满,逼迫戴蒙将德鲁解职。
- Some executives , frustrated that ms. drew had gotten what they viewed as special treatment , pressed mr. dimon to fire her .
- 它们内置了打印机,所以当你写完稿子,只要按一个按钮,它们就会慢腾腾地从一叠崭新的打印纸里吐出你的稿子。
- They had inbuilt printers , so once your script was finished you pressed a button and it came slowly spewing out of the top on a roll of shiny paper .
- 她们不仅可以得到钱,同时还意味着她们可以从此搬出大学校园里狭小的宿舍。
- They not only get money , it may also mean they can afford to move out of cramped university dormitories .
- 如果你来自海外,你可能要在一艘狭窄拥挤的货船甲板上租用一个位置。
- If you came from abroad , you would have hired space on the deck of a cramped cargo vessel .
- 在拥挤狭小的公寓和大房子之间做选择,我们往往将注意力集中在后者带来的有形资产。
- Given the choice between that cramped apartment and the big house , we focus on the tangible gains offered by the latter .