- 因为动物是十分重要的:小动物是晚餐而大的则应当躲避,以免被吃掉或踩死。
- Animals are important : small ones are supper ; large ones are best avoided , lest they eat you or trample you to death .
- 当美国正在承受压力,正如当下争论的在哪些方面削减预算,我们有时会蹂躏那些我们中间力量最弱小、最脆弱的群体。
- When america is under stress , as is happening right now with debates about where to pare the budget , we sometimes trample the least powerful and most vulnerable among us .
- 他们只是模糊的致力于欧盟“价值观”,但为了确保就业机会和用廉价商品来讨好选民,他们随时准备去践踏这些价值观。
- They are fuzzily committed to eu " values " , but will readily trample on those in a scramble to secure jobs and cheap goods for their voters .
- 游泳时,人们会不停地蹬踏让自己保持在水面上。
- When you tread water , you lift yourself up by pushing water down .
- 他愉快而轻描淡写地补充道:“我试着保证我们不会过多地踩在香蕉皮上。”
- With cheerful understatement he adds : " I try to make sure we don 't tread on too many banana skins . "
- 但大多数的人(还是表面看上去的情况)恐惧地观望着,因为他们认出了我,不敢相信我敢踏上这片受到神佑的土地。
- But most , or again so it seemed , looked on in horror because they recognized me and couldn 't believe that I would dare tread upon this sacred soil .