- 现在斜塔的倾斜程度和三个世纪前差不多,工程师说斜塔在接下来的几百年里不需要彻底检修。
- The tower 's tilt now approximates what it had three centuries ago , and engineers say it won 't need another overhaul for a few hundred more years .
- 三百年前,新闻通过口耳相传或一封封的信件在世界上传播,在小客栈和咖啡馆里以小册子、简报和路边社的形式流传。
- Three hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter , and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphlets , newsletters and broadsides .
- 三百年前,新闻通过口耳相传或一封封的信件在世界上传播,在小客栈和咖啡馆里以小册子、简报和路边社的形式流传。
- Three hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter , and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphlets , newsletters and broadsides .