- 马丁葛福德在一篇后记中曾表示,希望自己所作的画家约翰康斯特布尔传记能带给读者小说般的愉悦。
- In an afterword martin gayford says that he would like his book about the painter , john constable , to give the same pleasure that a novel would .
- 凯恩斯会将其解读为流动性偏好的极端爆发,pauldavidson这样说道,他关于凯恩斯大师的传记才刚刚出版,加入了新的后记。
- Keynes would have interpreted this as an extreme outbreak of liquidity-preference , says paul davidson , whose biography of the master has just been republished with a new afterword .
- 他新添加了后记的著作《自由落体》(freefall)简装本于本月出版。
- The paperback edition of his book freefall with a new afterword is being published this month
- 他们的名字可以在每一个包装盒底页找到。
- Their names are found in the colophon at the end of each volume .
- 未经版权所有者的书面同意,出版者不能复制版权所有者对该作品的封面设计,也不能使用版权所有者的标识、商标或版权页。
- The publishers shall not reproduce the proprietors ' jacket design of the work , nor make any use of the proprietors ' logo , brands of colophon without the prior written consent of the proprietors .