- 李连杰说,希望有朝一日练习太极能成为像看美国大片和日本动画以及学习韩国跆拳道一样酷的活动。
- Mr. li said he wants it to one day be as cool to practice taichi as it is watch american movies , watch japanese animation or study south korea 's taekwondo .
- 韩国同样要在跆拳道、射箭、摔跤、举重和台球保持霸主地位。
- South korea is also expected to dominate in taekwondo , archery , wrestling , weightlifting and billiards .
- 作品中有2000年越南首位获得奥运奖牌的运动员在领取跆拳道银牌的画面、2005年越南首例肝移植患者打开的腹部,以及2006年庆祝越南加入世界贸易组织的仪式上笑容满面的官员们。
- There were images of vietnam 's first olympic champion accepting a silver medal for taekwondo in 2000 ; the open abdomen of the recipient of vietnam 's first liver transplant , performed in 2005 ; beaming officials at the ceremony that welcomed vietnam into the world trade organisation in 2006 .
- 跆拳道宴请完整的家庭包字体.
- Wtf fete complete family pack fonts .
- 万圣节地狱孔吸收体吓人搞笑跆拳道惊喜涉及肌专家公顷大假大声笑甜。
- Halloween hell hole sucks body scary funny wtf suprise touches muscular expert ha big fake lol sweet .
- 跆拳道的另一国际性组织是世界跆拳道联合会,简称wtf,是在1973年成立的。
- Another organization , the world taekwondo federation ( wtf ) , was created in 1973 .
- 位于拉姆安拉办公中心大楼第五层的有氧健身房当前的发展状况:拥有最新的设备,动感单车、跆拳道以及普拉提瑜伽课程,一个桑拿浴房以及一个奶茶吧。
- The oxygen gym on the fifth floor of a ramallah office center is state of the art : it boasts the latest equipment , classes in spinning , kickboxing and pilates , a sauna and even a smoothie bar .
- 伦敦珠宝设计师菲利帕霍兰德(philippaholland)会在家中接受跆拳道训练、按摩、修甲和修脚服务,但不接受染发、上蜡等服务,因为“它会让家里非常脏乱”。
- Philippa holland , a london-based jewellery designer , has kickboxing lessons , massages and manicures and pedicures in her home but draws the line with hair colour and waxing because " it would be very messy " .
- 陪我们来的是霍斯利的跆拳道教练,一名年轻的冠军。
- We are accompanied by horsley 's kickboxing instructor , a young champion .