- 社会主义制度比资本主义制度具有无比的优越性。
- The socialist system is incomparably superior to the capitalist system .
- 他们比那些模仿者高明千万倍。
- They are incomparably superior to those who imitate them .
- 一辆入门级汽车的价格,已从750英镑左右,增至约8000英镑,但其舒适程度、性能和安全性已不可同日而语,而1970年的汽车如今将根本卖不动了。
- An entry-level car has risen in price from about 750 to something like 8,000 . But comfort , performance and reliability are incomparably superior and that 1970 car would simply be unmarketable today .