- 研究者使用一种超声波观察到了反应。
- The researchers observed the reaction using an ultrasound .
- 在心脏外科手术中一种新的超声设备可以帮助病人更快的康复。
- A new ultrasound device for use in open-heart surgery could help patients recover quicker .
- 工作人员使用三维超声扫描仪和微相机来拍摄从怀孕到分娩的怀孕过程。
- Staff used three-dimensional ultrasound scans and tiny cameras to film the pregnancy process from conception to birth .
- 从2003年超音速客机最后一次飞行后,民用交通已开始减速。
- Since the last flight of the supersonic concorde in 2003 , civilian travel has become slower .
- 尽管协和式超音速飞机在2003年就取消了,美好的超音速飞行生活梦想还在。
- Despite concorde 's withdrawal in 2003 , the beautiful dream of supersonic flight lives on .
- 不过,太空署要如何使得超燃冲压发动机进入持续飞行需要的超音速呢?
- But how does nasa plan to get the scramjet to the supersonic speeds necessary for sustained flight ?
- 据犹他州西南医药中心的最新研究,含有过多内脏脂肪(分布在人体体内器官的腹部脂肪)的肥胖患者更有可能发展成为2型糖尿病患者。
- Obese individuals with excess visceral fat ( abdominal fat that surrounds the body 's internal organs ) have an increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes , according to a new study by researchers at ut southwestern medical center .
- 基于犹他州西南达拉斯心脏研究中心的数据,研究案例中在30到65岁年龄段内体质指数大于等于30的732位肥胖患者中,是不存在糖尿病或者心血管疾病的。
- The study , which collected information from ut southwestern 's dallas heart study , sampled 732 obese adults -- those with a body mass index of 30 or greater -- between the ages of 30 and 65 , without diabetes or cardiovascular disease .
- 犹他州西南研究中心体内医药教授、报刊资深作家jamesdelemos说:“在肥胖患者中,不在于一个人到底体内含有多少脂肪,而是在于一个人体内脂肪的位置会导致糖尿病。”
- " Among obese individuals , it is not necessarily how much fat a person has , but rather where the fat is located on a person that leads to diabetes , " according to the paper 's senior author , dr. james de lemos , professor of internal medicine at ut southwestern .