- 这个人是可以接受的同步接近尾声,并结束其自我是十全十美的。
- This one is acceptably synced near the end , and the end its self is perfect .
- 学习会带来自治,即使是很不完善的自治。
- Learning will come with self-government , even if this self-government is far from perfect .
- 用可以衡量和可行的形容词定义一下你心目中的完美自我。
- Define your perfect self in adjectives that are measurable and obtainable .
- 人本主义心理学对人类独有的维度尤其敏感,如创造与超越的体验,同时也对人类幸福的质量尤其敏感。
- Humanistic psychologists are particularly sensitive to uniquely human dimensions , such as experiences of creativity and transcendence , and to the quality of human welfare .
- 特别是根据经营管理理论和数字新媒体,一个专注于社会心理的死亡意识作用的著名社会心理学理论,指出通过感觉自己是这个持久文明巨大群体中的一员,人们可以超越死亡意识。
- Specifically , according to terror management theory or tmt , a prominent social psychological theory focused on the social and psychological impact of death awareness , people gain feelings of death transcendence by feeling like they are meaningful members of an enduring cultural world .
- 这是一部充满激情的个人超越之书。
- It was a book of passionate personal transcendence .