- 这给你留下了什么印象?
- Where does that leave you ?
- 在下面给我们留下评论吧。
- Leave us a comment below .
- 他们在苹果博客里留下愤怒的评论。
- They leave angry comments on apple blogs .
- 儿子说完这话,喝下三大碗热粥,出发了。
- The boy said and set out after eating three big bowls of porridge .
- 他很聪明地选择留在温暖舒适的会馆里,我们两个则抱着宁死不屈的决心出发了。
- While he sensibly opted to remain in the warmth and comfort of the clubhouse we set out with grim determination .
- “北极海”于7月23日从芬兰出发,应该于8月4日到达阿尔及利亚港。
- The arctic sea had set out from finland on july 23 and was due in an algerian port on aug. 4 .
- 你有没有下过床?
- Did you even get off the couch ?
- 那他会让你下车的.
- He 'll tell you to get off .
- 那次谈话的开始和以往任何一次一样,我问他能不能离开交易席位谈一下。
- Our conversation started as any other with me asking him if we could get off the desk and chat .
- 手头拮据的退休建筑工人们睡在用铁丝网围成的笼子里,顶棚低到直不起身子来。
- Retired construction workers fallen on hard times they sleep in cages with mesh walls and ceilings too low for them to stand up .
- 我已经跌倒了足够长的时间,了解如何尽快爬起来。
- I 've fallen down enough times to know how to stand up quickly .
- 站起来为那些需要帮助的人呐喊!
- Stand up for those who need a voice !
- 在棘手的外来投资问题上,近段时间倒也发生过一些矛盾。
- Tensions have also arisen in recent times over the thorny issue of foreign investment .
- 在这场体验的最后,花一点时间来处理发生的一切。
- At the end of the experience , take some time to work with whatever has arisen .
- 在西班牙产生的债务,仍将成为西班牙政府这个最后担保人的债务。
- Debt that has arisen in spain will remain debt of the spanish state as ultimate guarantor .