- 阿伦森和米尔通过让一组女性阅读从色情小说中抽取的几段文章,测验了入门仪式的影响。
- Aronson and mills tested the effect of initiation rites by making one group of women read passages from sexually explicit novels .
- 但是没有捷径可以传授给你,尤其是对于企业家。
- But there are no short cuts to initiation , especially for entrepreneurs .
- 已经存在的群体是不会让其他人免费加入的:这个花费有时是金钱,有时是智力,有时是物质的但是通常都有一个入门仪式,即使是良好伪装的。
- Existing groups don 't let others join for free : the cost is sometimes monetary , sometimes intellectual , sometimes physical-but usually there is an initiation rite , even if it 's well disguised .
- 几乎所有的加蓬人都起源于班图人。
- Almost all gabonese are of bantu origin .
- 目前一位美国美术家加入了这场争论,她提出了自己认定其来源的理论。
- Now an american artist has entered the fray , putting forward her own theory about its origin .
- 当他擦亮旧钱币时,乔治有时会出现与硬币来源相关的奇怪的幻觉。
- When he polishes old coins , george sometimes experiences strange visions relating to the coin 's origin .
- 研究人员把对伽马射线的观测和对无线电波的观测结合起来,可以确定这种辐射的发源点。
- The researchers were able to pin down the radiation 's origination point by combining measurements of the gamma-rays with radio-wave observations .
- 大多数银行也应该把自己的客户层面转移到更加稳定持续的借款人上来。
- Most banks , too , should be able to move smoothly to a more sustainable level of credit origination .
- 房屋和其他资产价格的上涨帮助培育了金融系统的快速增长,承销标准下降和抵押贷款的发起和证券化中的其它问题被掩盖了。
- Rising home and other asset prices had helped to feed the financial system 's rapid growth , and to hide declining underwriting standards and other underlying problems in the origination and securitization of mortgage loans .