- 日本高中课本对战争的描述少得让人赫然,这其实折射出日本官方试图“淡化日本近代史中阴暗面”,道尔写道。
- Japanese high-school textbooks devote impressively little space to the war , reflecting official attempts to " downplay the dark aspects of japan 's modern history , " writes mr dower .
- 当核能产业自切尔诺贝利事故以来便已陷入停滞之时,天然气和可再生能源却以惊人的速度发展。
- While the nuclear industry has stalled since chernobyl , natural gas and renewables have come on impressively .
- 尽管大多数灵长类动物在生殖器周围的毛发也要比身体其他地方来得细软,可是成年人会炫耀他们的令人印象深刻的一大丛厚实的阴毛。
- While most of them have finer hair around their genitals than on the rest of their body , adult humans sport an impressively thick bush of pubic hair .
- 但当政府人员宣布他们的计划时,听起来并没有非常的雄心勃勃。
- But as politicians announce their plans , they do not sound terribly ambitious .
- 南希看上去仍然很难过,她离开警察局,带着这个消息马上回到了费金的家。
- Nancy , still looking terribly upset , left the station , and hurried back to fagin 's house with this news .
- 他还有一个虽然算不上很原创的观点,就是现代世界有如此多的新角色,以致于西方的权力受到了约束。
- And he has a point , though not a terribly original one , when he says that the modern world has so many new actors that western power is circumscribed .
- 我是卡伦赫伯恩。
- This is karen hepburn .
- 一出由奥黛丽赫本主演的迷人的浪漫喜剧。
- A charming romantic comedy starring audrey hepburn .
- 为何我不是凯瑟琳赫伯恩?
- Why can 't I be katharine hepburn ?