- 城市雨水径流特别是初期雨水污染严重,是水体富营养化、华以及海域赤潮等环境问题产生的根源之一。
- Urban runoff pollution is serious especially for earlier runoff and it is one of the reasons that lead to water body eutrophic , algal bloom and red tide on sea .
- 赤潮藻释放的毒素之一蛤蚌毒素(saxitoxin),在贝类动物体内积累。
- Saxitoxin , a poison released by the red tide , accumulates in shellfish .
- 对湿地生态系统的健康造成严重损害的外来入侵物种主要是外来杂草、引种失败的外来海洋生物、随船舶压舱水带来的外来有害赤潮生物。
- The alien invasive species that damage the health of wetland ecosystem include alien invasive weeds , alien marine species unsuccessfully introduced and harmful alien red tide alga that are brought with water ballast .